Tuesday, August 26, 2008

They know not what we do!

In the last fortnight I have had many conflicting thoughts about Corrective (Remedial) massage and one of them is that people just do not understand our job, our capacities and skills and their role in the healing process.

Sadly despite being one of the oldest professions going around, I cannot help feeling that we have not educated our society properly.

Some of my client's complain of a problem half way through a session just as a topic of conversation, something like 'My doctor says that I've developed carpal tunnel syndrome' and when I ask a couple of questions I find out that they just have no concept that a massage therapist could help such a condition - I guess we just rub backs and necks in some people's minds! My students all say, "we just did not know how much we needed to know to do this job" and they are just beginning! It just boggles their mind by the time they learn to treat all sorts of sports injuries, nerve problems, postural problems and the like. We deal with bodily overuse, underuse, abuse and misuse daily - and YES we have some good answers for them, give us a try - look for a well qualified, experienced clinical therapist, do your homework about your problems and ask them questions to check their understanding out before making a booking. In my next blog I will talk about the pitfalls of not checking the therapist out - see you later


Check out my page at www.naturaltherapypages.com.au/therapist/15342

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